Rosacea an inflammatory condition that causes redness and often small, red, pus-filled bumps on the face mostly surrounding the cheeks, nose and chin. Rosacea can be a tricky skin condition to diagnose and treat, as it often can be mistaken for acne, whereas actually, using anti-acne skin products will exacerbate the condition.

What is Rosacea?
Rosacea is a result of over-angiogenesis (overproduction of capillaries) and thinning of the epidermal tissues. Over-production and abnormal development of capillary networks impairs the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells where needed, resulting in sluggish skin cells.
What causes Rosacea
Unfortunately, there is no known cause (or cure) for rosacea, but this condition can be the external presentation of an internal problem, coming from our gut health.
50% of rosacea clients suffer from SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). SIBO has many knock on effects, for instance, it causes a big reduction in the absorption of Vitamin A, Vitamin K (which is essential for blood clotting and capillary health) and Calcium.
Moreover, most Rosacea sufferes have gluten sensitivity or food intolerances as well.
If you have Rosacea, seeking a naturopath or an integrative practitioner to guide you through all the internal issues that may the cause of your rosacea can help with any flare-ups.
The four types of Rosacea
Type 1 - Erythematotoelangiectatic Rosacea:
This might be the hardest to pronounce, but it is actually the most popular type of rosacea. Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea is categorised by erythema (redness) and telangiectasia (visible capillaries).
Type 2 - Rosacea and Demodex mites
In this case, it's the overabundance of mites that triggers an immune response that exacerbates rosacea. This type of Rosacea is most present on the nose, cheeks, and forehead.
Type 3 - Papopustular Rosacea
This type of Rosacea can be mild to severe and often slower to heal, as the skin's barrier function is extremely impaired and the causes are mainly linked to poor gut health.
Papopustular rosacea is categorised by erythema (redness), Telangiectasia (visible capillaries) and papules and/or pustules.
Type 4 - Phymatous Rosacea
The thickening of the skin in Phymatous Rosacea is caused by the swelling of the sebaceous glands in the area. It is much more common in men, and it happens due to higher androgenic hormones in men.
Phymatous rosacea is categorised by erythema (redness), telangiectasia (visible capillaries), papules and or pustules and thickening of the skin causing enlarged nose.
Solutions for Rosacea
Rosacea is a complex condition and we need to consider all aspects of it, if we want to rebalance the skin.
1. Gut health
Working with a naturopath or integrative practitioner to improve gut health is a must. Moreover, there are gut health supplements that may help you as well.
+ Alkalise the body with greens
The cooler and less inflamed the body is, the better the skin will be able to deal with internal inflammation.
+ Add Essential Fatty Acids to your diet
Introduce essential fatty acids as a supplement with its two main sources: Omega 3 DHA and KPA. This will support cell membrane development and hence acid mantle creation and maintenance. Liquid EFA is best to take with a fat dietary food to aid in better absorption.
2. Topical solutions
1 - Niacinamide (B3)
Introduce niacinamide (B3) to your skin as a topical solution to re-establish acid mantle and stratum corneum health whilst calming and strengthening the Langerhans cells.
2 - RetinolVitamin A
Slowly introducing Vitamin A 3x times a week for normal skin. If your skin is more sensitive introduce once a week then increase if your skin allows you to do so. Vitamin A will begin to thicken the stratum spinosum layer, further strengthening the Langerhans cells and for more professional treatments like skin needling to work on the capillary network.
3. Anti-redness cream
For sensitive skins susceptible to suffering diffuse redness and/or blood microcapilaries visible on the surface.
Always consult with a qualified Skin therapist who can diagnose which type of rosacea you have, to be able to tailor a specific skincare regime for your skin type. We offer Complimentary Skin Consultations - book yours here.
About The Author
My name is Sari Pols,
I have been in the skincare industry for over 15 years. My passion lies in ‘Health’. Health for the skin and body. My philosophy is if we have good well-being on the inside, then it shows our vitality on the outside.
I have furthered my knowledge of Skin Anatomy, Skin Concerns, and Fitness. I am a true believer in how to make my clients feel their best both inside and out. My emphasis is on guiding my clients through their journey of skin concerns and conditions. I do not like to band-aid a concern or condition but want to get down to the root of the cause. I aim to give personalised consultations with treatment and correct prescribed skin products.
Reference: Skin Educational International